Friday, June 26, 2009

A Black Hole: The Death of a Star

Yes, we made it to Chicago.  We arrived excited and ready for a real city to welcome us into it's bosom.  

Our friends told us to check out Wicker Park.  It was pretty cool.  It started to rain... foreshadowing for the rest of the afternoon... by the time we had lunch.... we knew it was a  black day.

It's so sad thinking about Michael Jackson's life.  Who would he have been if he was born into a different family?  How would his circumstances have changed if just one moment of his life was different?  

Why wasn't anyone listening?  Money - fame - talent - couldn't anyone look through all that to see someone who had problems?   He was  a GENIUS!!!  He was super-talented.  He was amazing!!!  And yet, no one could help him!  His first hit song (it went to #1) as a solo artist "Ben," was written  for his pet rat.  A VH1 biography let us know that this one true friend, was brutally murdered by MJ's dad.  WTF?  Really?  That's how your carreer starts up.  Interviews with MJ exposed that he'd get so stressed out before going on stage - that he'd throw up.  Why was he so stressed?  Because his dad would beat him if he messed up.  

I've been listening to "Ben" on repeat today.  I've listend to MJ's other songs as well... but this one is really hitting my heartstrings.  It's about an isolated creature, who no one understands, no one but Michael.  Michael sang, 

I used to say "I" and "me" 
Now it's "us", now it's "we" 
I used to say "I" and "me" 
Now it's "us", now it's "we" 
Ben, most people would turn you away 
I don't listen to a word they say 
They don't see you as I do 
I wish they would try to 
I'm sure they'd think again 
If they had a friend like Ben 
(a friend) Like Ben 
(like Ben) Like Ben

and I cried.  How can someone (me) be so sad about someone I don't personally know?    How can millions (if not billions) of human beings around the world mourn so intimately for a celebrity?  What did he express that we all so connected to?  Yes, we all feel like an outsider sometimes... yes we all identify with his lyrics... I understand that part, but, what makes ME so sad, is that everyone around the WORLD is so sad right now.  A man, who was only 50, and had a fairly shitty life (despite the fame and the money) died, and he left the world with no one to take his place.  We all wanted to see what was next for you, Michael.  You were the American dream!  You were and are the most famous person in the world!  And now you are gone?  It's so surreal.

All you wanted to do was to be a kid.  Maybe you can be one now.

I'm actually crying.  I feel sooooooooo terrible for myself... the world... and his close friends and family. 

What do we have now... it's like we lost a sun in our solar system.  The days are dark when there is nothing shining....  you will so terribly missed.  From all of your fans, we love you Michael.  Michael, Forever.